
For Providers

The team at the Florida Department of Health in Hillsborough County monitors local and state data of chronic disease.

In response to the needs of the public and the current rates of diabetes, hypertension, and obesity (both adult and pediatric) the team offers programming and resources at no cost to the public.

Provider screenings and referrals are the key way to get patients on the path to lowering A1c, managing weight, improving eating habits, and so many other positive health behaviors. Patients in our programs:

Have an average 1.15 A1c reduction

Provider screenings and referrals are the key way to get patients on the path to lowering A1c, managing weight, improving eating habits, and so many other positive health behaviors. Patients in our programs:

Lose an average of 6.14%

of their body weight (in our Diabetes Prevention Program).

Learn the skills and tools

to make lifestyle changes that include maintaining an average of 150 minutes of physical activity a week.

Learn healthy eating habits

from licensed dietitians based on their needs including carbohydrate counting for those persons with diabetes, the DASH low sodium diet for those with hypertension, and eating a balanced plate for safe and effective weight loss.

Chronic Disease by the Numbers


The rate of adults diagnosed with diabetes in Hillsborough County and in the state of Florida has been on the rise until 2019

Currently, one of the biggest challenges in diabetes and hypertension data is that fewer patients are getting to the doctor to be screened for these chronic conditions. The Florida Department of Health is committed to connecting patients to providers and bringing screening resources to the public.

Below is a brief overview of current rates in Hillsborough as well the state of Florida. **More information and customized presentations available upon request:

Diabetes diagnosis rates

Number of diagnosed cases of prediabetes (ICD-10 code R73.03) is low compared to estimated actual cases.

Diabetes diagnosis graph

Estimated that 1 in 3 people in the U.S. have prediabetes and only 80% of those individuals are diagnosed cases.

Contributing Factors to Prediabetes: